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Te Kura O Papatuanuku Wairarapa Earth school


Fostering a passion for science and technology through hands-on, garden-based learning

What’s New … 

Why are we here…


community working together for positive change

We work collaboratively with schools, individuals, community groups and local business to empower young people to make changes towards a sustainable future.

All children are Kaitiaki (custodians, guardians, caregivers) and are naturally curious about their environment - and our environment is changing fast. The Ministry for Education now describes environmental sustainability as a ‘critical issue’ for Aotearoa New Zealand. Meanwhile, there is an ever-growing hunger for innovative thinkers in the local and global workforce.

Earth School is inspired by this challenge. We believe that learning about sustainability in a future-focused, hands-on way will set our young people on the path to becoming creative problem solvers who will be in high demand in decades to come as Kaitiaki.

For our project, the short-term local outcomes are just as important. Learning about sustainability and sharing that knowledge and enthusiasm with friends and whānau gives students the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the Wairarapa region, right now.


Sustainable enterprise


Waste away … find out how Wairarapa students are coming up with recycled and repurposed handmade alternatives to single use plastic 


“Don’t use plastic - be fantastic!” We challenged students to come up with sustainable alternatives to single use plastic, working with our partners, Carterton Boomerang Bags, Thunderpants and the local Vinnies they now have a range of sustainable products that can be bought at Food Forest Organics Greytown and feature in the Pure Wairarapa sustainable gift baskets. The sustainable enterprise team also do a market stall once a term.


Outdoor classroom


our outdoor classroom and teaching gardens can be found next to the food forest at our host school South End school in Carterton

Make an appointment to bring students or teachers to visit our outdoor garden classroom. Find out how students plan to convert a shipping container into a science lab. Ask our team how we can help you design and build an outdoor classroom at your school, find out more here.

 Science in Schools

The Wairarapa Science and sustainability project brings hands on learning to schools across the region

We are delighted to receive funding from Trust House to assist with the delivery of our Wairarapa Science and Sustainability Project in 2019.

This funding allows us to target 700+ Wairarapa students who will participate in our our hands on science lessons. These lessons will be on topics such as ‘The Science of Hot and Happy Compost’ and ‘Acid or Alkali Adventures’. If your school would like us to come in and deliver a sustainability workshop - please get in touch.

 Centre for sustainability

Our long term goal is to put the students plans for a school farm and sustainable building into action …

 in 2017 A GROUP OF STUDENTS FROM THREE wAIRARAPA SCHOOLS RESEARCHED AND DESIGNED PLANS TO TURN THE EMPTY SCHOOL FIELD AT sOUTH eND SCHOOL into a working school farm and a centre for sustainability - a place where hands on learning happens …