Open Air museum - Copenhagen, Denmark
The Open Air museum is a 'living history' museum where entire buildings, villages and farms have been moved and reconstructed with intact interiors, fields of grain, shire horses and ancient breeds of pigs, geese, goats, sheep and chickens. It is a working, living museum with people in costume - it's like stepping back in time.
One of the farms has a fantastic market garden with companion planting of herbs and flowers interspersed with the vegetables.
Brassicas, (kale, cabbage and cavalo nero) surrounded by marigolds on one side and Calendula on the other. The gardens were planted with herbs, color plants, medicinal plants, cabbage and potatoes, onions and root vegetables, berries and fruit and flowers. The flowers also often had useful or medicinal properties.
This is the type of large market garden I envisage us having in the school farm :)