Welcome to our community science garden

Our Community Science Garden needs a welcome board that welcomes visitors guides them around features such as the pollinator sculpture trail, the compost zone, shipping container science lab and the outdoor classroom. Students are also keen to add a weather station, a community produce sharing table, a community message board and coat hooks and cubby holes for volunteers to store their lunch and belongings.


Here are some ideas we collected and students Lexi, Frida and Eva drew some designs.


We have applied for a Carterton Creative Communities grant to work on this project.

Project timeline: 

Several workshops will be held to connect students with expert mentors, all students at south end school will attend an hour long workshop.

Workshop one: design and planning – students will learn how to draw scale plans and elevations to explore ideas and will be shown examples of what a landscape architect does from the mood board through to the final plan drawings.

Workshop two: Cultural crafts and garden sculptures – (we received part funding from creative communities in 2019 and completed a pollinator sculpture trail in South End School forest garden. Due to Covid 19 the sculptures are not yet in place in the garden, We would like to continue with this work and complete ideas generated during this project by the students such as a nature weaving frame, wood carvings and a welcome community sharing table.) 

Local Carterton artists Ngaire and Tom are keen to enable students to realize the multitude of ideas generated by students last year.

Workshop three and four: finalize designs – mentors and earth school garden teachers will help the students to develop their art and designs and get them ready for exhibition.

Final exhibition: in Autumn term students will present their designs and artwork to the wider Carterton community.

final concept drawings for our welcome board

final concept drawings for our welcome board