Garden classroom SHED building PROJECT

Te Kura O Papatūānuku Wairarapa Earth School students working towards a sustainable future at South End School


An eco friendly garden shed- a collaborative project that combined funding sources from  Curious Minds to fund the expert mentor Tom Conwell to help the students realise their ambitious ideas for a shed built from entirely untreated timber. An enviroschools grant and a small grant from Fonterra paid for building materials and a small group of students worked with SES enviroschools lead teacher Julie Jones, Esther Dijkstra (Enviroschools) and expert mentor Boli Bollinger to design, plan and cost the shed. Tom and Boli both supervised teams of senior students to carry out the building work and finally a wonderful group of SES parents and Earth School volunteers helped finish the building to make it secure for the Summer holidays. See photos of the building from start to finish.

We are currently seeking funding to finish the inside of the shed, to build a workbench, seedling benches, shelves and hooks for tools. As always we are keen to receive donations of seeds, potting compost, seed trays and garden tools.